
This is old documentation, please use: https://substantic.github.io/rain/docs/

User’s Guide

Basic terms

Task is a basic unit of work in Rain, it reads inputs and produces outputs. Tasks are executed on computational nodes (computers where Rain governors are running). Tasks can be external programs, python functions, and basic built-in operations.

Data objects are objects that are read and created by tasks. Data objects are immutable, once they are created they cannot be modified. They are generic data blobs or directories with accompanying metadata. It is upto tasks to interpret the data object content.

Task definition and submission

Rain represents your computation as a graph of tasks and data objects. Tasks are not eagerly executed during the graph construction. Instead, the actual execution is managed by Rain infrastructure after an explicit submission. This leads to a programming model in which you first only define a graph and then execute it.

Let us consider the following example, where two constant objects are created and merged together:

from rain.client import Client, tasks, blob

client = Client("localhost", 7210)  # Create a connection to the server
                                    # running at localhost:7210

with client.new_session() as session:  # Creates a session

    a = blob("Hello ")    # Create a definition of data object in the current session
    b = blob("world!")    # Create a definition of data object in the current session
    tasks.Concat([a, b])  # Create a task definition in the current session
                          # that concatenates input data objects

    session.submit()      # Send the created graph into the server, where the computation
                          # is performed.
    session.wait_all()    # Wait until all submitted tasks are completed

The graph composed in the session looks as follows:

Example of task graph

When the graph is constructed, all created objects and tasks are put into the active session. In many cases, it is sufficient just to create one session for whole program lifetime, with one submit at the end. However, it is possible to create more sessions or built a graph gradually with more submits. More details are covered in Section Sessions.

Fetching data objects

Data objects produced by tasks are not transferred back to the client automatically. If needed, this can be done using the fetch() method. It returns rain.common.DataInstance that wraps data together with some additional information. To get raw bytes from rain.common.DataInstance you can call method get_bytes().

In the following example, we download the result back to the Python client code. Expression t.output refers to the data object that is the output of task t:

from rain.client import Client, tasks, blob

client = Client("localhost", 7210)

with client.new_session() as session:
    a = blob("Hello ")
    b = blob("world!")
    t = tasks.Concat((a, b))
    t.output.keep()            # Tell server to keep result of task

    session.submit()           # Submit task graph

    result = t.output.fetch()  # Download result from the server
    print(result.get_bytes())  # Prints b'Hello world!'

By default, Rain automatically removes data objects that are no longer needed for further computation. Method keep() sets a flag to a given data object that instructs the server to keep the object until the client does not explicitly frees it. An object can be freed when the session is closed or when unkeep() method is called and object is no longer need by computation. Method keep() may be called only before the submit. Method unkeep() may be called on any “kept” object any time; the server is informed immediately, no submit is needed.

If method fetch() is called and the object has not been finished yet, the method blocks until the object is not finished. Note that this is the reason, why we did not use wait_all() in this example.

Inter-task dependencies

Naturally, an output of a task may be used as an input for another task. This is demonstrated by the following example. In the example, we use tasks.Sleep(O, T) that creates a task taking an arbitrary data object O and waits for T seconds and then returns O as its output. Being aware that such task is not very useful in practice, we find it useful as an intuitive example to demostrate the concept of task chaining:

from rain.client import Client, tasks, blob

client = Client("localhost", 7210)

with client.new_session() as session:
    a = blob("Hello ")
    b = blob("world!")
    t1 = tasks.Sleep(b, 1.0)   # Wait for one second and then returns 'b'
    t2 = tasks.Concat((a, t1.output))

    session.submit()           # Submit task graph

    result = t2.output.fetch()  #  It will wait around 1 second
                                #  and then returns b'Hello world'

If a task produces only a single output, we can ommit .output and directly use the task as an input for another task. In our example, we can define t2 as follows:

t2 = tasks.Concat((a, t1))

This shortened notation is used in the rest of the text.

More outputs

A task may generally create zero, one, or more outputs. All outputs are accessible via attribute outputs. That contains an instance of rain.common.LabeledList. It is an extension of a standard list (indexed from zero), that also allows to be accessed via string labels.

# The following task creates two outputs labeled "output1" and "output2" with
# an equivalent of 'cat data | tee output1 > output2'.
t = tasks.Execute(["tee", Output("output1")], stdout="output2", stdin=data)

t.outputs["output1"]  # Access to output "output1"
t.outputs["output2"]  # Access to output "output2"

# There is also some helper functions:
# Keep all outputs (equivalent to: for o in t.outputs: o.keep())

# After submit
# Fetch all outputs (equivalent to: [o.fetch() for o in t.outputs])

If a task has more than one output or zero outputs, then accessing attribute .output throws an exception. Attribute .outputs is always availble independently on the number of outputs.

Object data types

Every data object represents either a single binary data blob or a directory. Since these two object data types behave very differently, they are distinguished and checked already when constructing the computation graph. The data type may be one of:

We consider developing other data object “modes”, e.g. streams.

Object content types

Binary data objecs represent different type of data in different formats. The Rain infrastructure treats all data objects as raw binary blobs, and it is up to tasks to interpret them. Content type is a string identifier of the format of the data in tasks and clients. Python code also recognize some of content types and allows to deserialize them directly.

Currently recognized content types are:

  • ‘’ - Raw binary data, unknown or unspecified content type
  • ‘pickle’ - Serialized Python object
  • ‘cloudpickle’ - Serialized Python object via Cloudpickle
  • ‘json’ - Object serialized into JSON
  • ‘cbor’ - Object serialized into CBOR
  • ‘arrow’ - Object serialized with Apache Arrow
  • ‘text’ - UTF-8 string.
  • ‘text-<ENCODING>’ - Text with specified encoding
  • ‘mime/<MIME>’ - Content type defined as MIME type
  • ‘user/<TYPE>’ - User defined type, <TYPE> may be arbitrary string

An object may have two different content-types: First, a type is specified when constructing the task graph. Second, the type may be set by the task executor dynamically (e.g. depending on some input data). If present, the latter is taken to be the actual content type and must be a sub-type of the former. Any type is considered a subtype of the unspecified type.

Constant data objects

Function rain.client.blob() serves for a creation of a constant data object. The content of the data object is uploaded to the server together with the task graph.

from rain.client import blob, pickled
blob(b"Raw data")  # Creates a data object with a defined content
blob(b"Raw data", label="input data")  # Data with a non-default label
                                       # (Default label is 'const')
blob("String data")  # Creates a data object from a string, the content type
                     # is set to 'text'
blob("[1, 2, 3, 4]", content_type="json")  # Data with a specified content type
blob([1, 2, 3, 4], encode="json")  # Serialize python object to JSON and set
                                   # content type to "json"
blob([1, 2, 3, 4], encode="pickle")  # Serialize python object by pickle
                                     # content type to "pickle"
pickled([1, 2, 3, 4])  # Short-cut for blob(..., encode="pickle")

Built-in tasks

The following tasks are supported directly by the Rain governor:

Concat (rain.client.tasks.Concat)
Concatencates inputs into one resulting blob.
Load, LoadDir (rain.client.tasks.Load, rain.client.tasks.LoadDir)
Creates data object from an external file or direftory. (Note: The current version does not support tracking external resources; therefore, this operation “internalizes” the file, i.e. it makes a copy of it into the working directory.)
Store (rain.client.tasks.Store)
Saves data object to a filesystem. The data are saved into local file system of the governor on which the task is executed. This task is usually used for saving files to a distributed file system, hence it does not matter which governor performs the task.
Sleep (rain.client.tasks.Sleep)
Task that forwards its input as its output after a specified delay. Mostly for testing and benchmarking.
Execute (rain.client.tasks.SliceDirectory)
Run an external program with given inputs, parameters and resources. See rain.client.Program if you execute a program repeatedly with different data.
MakeDirectory (rain.client.tasks.MakeDirectory)
Tasks that creates a directory combining the inputs under given paths.
SliceDirectory (rain.client.tasks.SliceDirectory)
Tasks that extracts a file or subdirectory from a directory object.
# This example demonstrates usage of four built-in tasks
from rain.client import tasks, Client, blob

client = Client("localhost", 7210)

with client.new_session() as session:

    # Create tasks opening an external file
    data1 = tasks.Load("/path/to/data")

    # Create a constant object
    data2 = blob("constant data")

    # Merge two objects
    merge = tasks.Concat((data1, data2))

    # Sleep for 1s
    result = tasks.Sleep(merge, 1.0)

    # Write result into file
    tasks.Store(result, "/path/to/result")


(Examples for the directory-related tasks are in section Directories)

Running external programs

Task tasks.Execute

The whole functionality is built around built-in task rain.client.tasks.Execute. When a program is executed through rain.client.tasks.Execute, then a new temporary directory is created. This directory will be removed at the end of program execution. The current working directory of the program is set to this directory.

The idea is that this directory is program’s sandbox where input data objects are mapped and files created in this directory may be moved out as new data objects when computation completes. Therefore, in contrast with many other workflow systems, programs in rain should not be called with absolute paths in arguments but use relative paths (to stay in its working directory). Governors try to avoid unnecessary data object replication in the cases when a data object is used by multiple tasks that run on the same governor.

If the executed program terminates with a non-zero code, then tasks fails and content of standard error output is written into the error message.

The simple example looks as follow:

tasks.Execute("sleep 1")

This creates a task with no inputs and no outputs executing program “sleep” with argument “1”. Arguments are parsed in shell-like manner. Arguments can be also specified explicitly as a list:

tasks.Execute(("sleep",  "1"))

Command may be also interpreted by shell, if the argument shell=True is provided:

tasks.Execute("sleep 1 && sleep 1", shell=True)


Files created during task execution or task standard output can be used as the output of rain.client.tasks.Execute. The following example calls program wget that downloads web page at https://github.com/ and saves it as index.html. The created file is forwarded as the output of the task.

from rain.client import Client, task, Output

client = Client("localhost", 7210)

with client.new_session() as session:
    t = tasks.Execute("wget https://github.com/",
                       output_paths=[Output("index", path="index.html")])

    result = t.output.fetch().get_bytes()

The class rain.client.Output allows to configure the outputs. The first argument is the label of the output. The argument path sets the path to the file used as output. It is a relative path w.r.t. the working directory of the task. If the path is not defined, then label is used as path; e.g. Output("my_output") is equivalent to Output("my_output", path="my_output"). The Output instance can be also used for specification of additional attributes such content type or size hint. Please see the class documentation for more details.

If we do not want to configure the output, it is possible to use just a string instead of instance of Output. It creates the output with the same label and path as the given string. Therefore we can create the previous task as follows:

t = tasks.Execute("wget https://github.com/", output_paths=["index.html"])

The only difference is that label of the output is now “index.html” (not “index” as in the previous case).

Of course, more than one output may be specified. Program wget allows to redirect its log to a file through --output-file option:

t = tasks.Execute("wget https://github.com/ --output-file log",
                  outputs_paths=["index.html", "log"])

This creates a task with two outputs with labels “index.html” and “log”. The outputs are available using standard syntax, e.g. t.outputs["log"].

Outputs can be also passed directly as program arguments. This is a shortcut for two actions: passing the output path as an argument and putting output into output_paths. The example above can be written as follows:

t = tasks.Execute(["wget", "https://github.com/", "--output-file", Output("log")],

The argument stdout allows to use program’s standard output:

# Creates output from stdout labelled "stdout"
tasks.Execute("ls /", stdout=True)

# Creates output from stdout with label "my_label"
tasks.Execute("ls /", stdout="my_label")

# Creates output through Output object, argument 'path' is not allowed
tasks.Execute("ls /", stdout=Output("my_label"))


Data objects can be mapped into the working directory of rain.client.tasks(). The simplest case is to use a data object directly as arguments for a program. In such case, the data object is mapped into randomly named file and the name is placed into program arguments. Note that files are by default mapped only for reading (and proctected by setting file permissions). More options of mapping is described in Mapping data objects onto filesystem.

from rain.client import Client, task, blob

client = Client("localhost", 7210)

with client.new_session() as session:
    data = blob(b"It is\nrainy day\n")

    # Maps 'data' into file XXX where is a random name and executes
    # "grep rain XXX"
    task = tasks.Execute(["grep", "rain", data], stdout=True)

    print(task.output.fetch().get_bytes())  # Prints b"rainy day"

For additional settings and file name control, there is rain.client.Input, that is a counter-part for rain.client.Output. It can be used as follows:

from rain.client import Client, task, Input


# It executes a program "a-program" with arguments "argument1" and "myfile"
# and while it maps dataobject in variable 'data' into file 'myfile'
my_data = ... # A data object
task = tasks.Execute(["a-program", "argument1",
                      Input("my_label", path="myfile", dataobj=my_data)])

The argument input_paths of rain.client.tasks.Execute serves to map a data object into file without putting its filename into the program arguments:

# It executes a program "a-program" with arguments "argument1"
# and while it maps dataobject in variable 'data' into file 'myfile'
tasks.Execute(["a-program", "argument1"],
              input_paths=[Input("my_label", path="myfile", dataobj=my_data)])

The argument stdin serves to map a data object on the standard input of the program:

# Executes a program "a-program" with argument "argument1" while mapping
# a data object on the standard input
tasks.Execute(["a-program", "argument1"], stdin=my_data)

Factory Program

In many cases, we need to call the same program with the same argument set. Class rain.client.Program serves as a factory for rain.client.tasks.Execute for this purpose. An instance of Program can be called as a function that takes data objects; the call creates a task in the active session.

from rain.client import Client, blob, Program, Input

rain_grep = Program(["grep", "rain", Input("my_input", path="my_file")], stdout=True)

client = Client("localhost", 7210)

with client.new_session() as session:
    data = blob(b"It is\nrainy day\n")

    # Creates a task that executes "grep rain my_file" where dataobject in variable
    # 'data' is mapped into <FILE>
    task = rain_grep(my_input=data)

Program accepts the same arguments as execute, including input_paths, output_paths, stdin, and stdout. The only difference is that in all places where data object could be used, Input instance (without dataobj argument) has to be used, since Program defines “pattern” indepedently on a particular session.

Python tasks

In addition to built-in tasks, Rain allows to run additional types of tasks via executors. Rain is shipped with Python executor, that allows to execute arbitrary Python code.

Decorator @remote

Decorator rain.client.remote() turns a python function into a Rain task. Let us consider the following example:

from rain.client import Client, remote

def hello(ctx):
    return "Hello world!"

client = Client("localhost", 7210)

with client.new_session() as session:
    t = hello()                # Create a task
    result = t.output.fetch()
    print(result)              # Prints b'Hello world!'

The decorator changes the behavior of the decorated function in a way that calling it no longer executes it in the client but creates a task that executes the function in a python executor. Governor starts and manages executors as necessary, there is no need of any action from the user.

The decorated function should accept at least one argument. As the first argument, the context of the execution is passed to the function. Context enables some actions within the task. It is a convention to name this argument as ctx.


Decorated function may take more parameters than ctx; these parameters define inputs of the task. By default, they can be arbitrary Python objects and they are serialized via cloudpickle. If the decorated function is called with a data object, it is invokend with rain.common.DataInstance that contains data defined by the object:

from rain.client import Client, remote, blob

def hello(ctx, data1, data2):
    return data1 + data2.get_bytes()

client = Client("localhost", 7210)
with client.new_session() as s:

    # Create data object
    data = blob("Rain!")

    # Creates a task calling function 'hello' in governor
    t = hello(b"Hello ", data)


    # Prints b'Hello Rain!"

In remotely executed Python code, Rain data objects are replaced with actual data instances. All occurences of data objects are replaced, even those encapsulated in own data structures:

class MyClass:

    def __init__(self, my_data):
        self.my_data = my_data

 def my_call(ctx, input):
     # If we assume a call of this function as below,
     # we obtain an instance of MyClass where attribute 'my_data'
     # is list of instances of DataInstance
     return b""


 my_instance = MyClass([blob(b"data1"), blob(b"data2"), blob(b"data3")])
 task = my_call(my_instance)


It is possible to pass also generators as arguments to remote functions, and it works as expected. However, Rain has to include all data objects occuring in related expressions as task dependencies. Therefore, you may create more dependencies then expected. To avoid this problems, we recommend to evaluate generators before passing to remote functions, especiialy if it is a filtering kind of generator.

All metadata of data objects (including content type) are passed to the data instances occuring in remote functions. Therefore, it is possible to call method load() on data instances to deserialize objects according to their content types:

def fn1(ctx, data):
    # Load according content type. Throws an error if content type is not provided
    loaded_data = data.load()

# Automatically call load() on specific argument
@remote(inputs={"data": Input(load=True)})
def fn2(ctx, data):

# Automatically call load() on all arguments
def fn3(ctx, data):

# Example of calling:
data = blob([1,2,3,4], encode="json")

The second case uses rain.client.Input to configure individual parameters. It can be also used for additional configurations, like data-object size hints for Rain scheduler, or content type specification:

# The following function asks for a dataobject with content type "json" as
# its argument. If the function is called the following happens:
# 1) If the input dataobject has content type "json", it is passed as it is
# 2) If the input dataobject has no content type (None), then content type "json"
     is set as the object content type
# 3) If the input dataobject has content type different from "json", the task fails

@remote(inputs={"data": Input(content_type="json")})
def fn1(ctx, data):


By default, it is expected that a remote function returns one data object. It may return an instance of bytes or str that will be used as content of the resulting data object. If an instance of bytes is returned then the content type of resulting object is None, if a string is returned then the content type is set to “text”. A remote function may also return a data instance, when you want to set additional attributes of data object. More outputs may be configured via outputs attribute of remote:

def fn1(ctx):
    return b"Returning bytes"

def fn2(ctx):
    return "Returning string"

# Configuring more unlabaled outputs
def fn3(ctx):
    (b"data1", b"data2", b"data3")

# No output
def fn4(ctx):

# Configuring labeled outputs
@remote(outputs=("label1", "label2"))
def fn5(ctx):
     return {"label1": b"data1", "label2": b"data2"}

# Set content types of resulting objects
@remote(outputs=(Output(content_type="json"), Output(content_type="json"))
def fn6(ctx):
    return ("[1, 2, 3]", "{'x': 123}")

# Automatically encode resulting objects
@remote(outputs=(Output(encode="pickle"), Output(encode="json"))
def fn7(ctx):
    return ([1, 2, 3], {"x": 123})

Debug stream

Method debug on the context allows to write messages into debug stream that can be found in task attribute “debug” and it is also part of an error message when the task fails.

def remote_fn(ctx):
    a = 11
    b = a + 10
    ctx.debug("Variable a = {}", a)
    ctx.debug("Variable b = {}", b)
    raise Exception("Error occured!")

# When this task is executed, you get the following error message:
# Exception: Error occured!
# Debug:
# Variable a = 11
# Variable b = 21

Type hints

If you are using sufficiently new Python (>=3.5), you can use type hints to define outputs and inputs, e.g.:

def test1(ctx, a : Input(content_type="json")) -> Output(encode='pickle', label='test_pickle');


When more Python tasks are mapped onto the same computational node, a governor spawns own Python executor for each task. Therefore all tasks runs in their own processes and you do not have care about GIL.


In the current version, the only resource that can be configured is the number of cpus. This following example shows how to request a a specific number of cpus for a task:

# Reserve 4 CPUs for execution of a program
tasks.Execute("a-parallel-program", cpus=4)

# Resere 4 CPUs for a Python task
def myfunction(ctx):

Attributes ‘spec’ and ‘info’

Most of the information about the tasks and data objects falls into two categories:

  • The user-created specification data (spec).
  • The information about the task execution and object computation (info).

These are stored and transmitted separately. Once the objects and tasks are submitted, the spec is immutable. The info is initially empty and is set by the governor (and in part by the task executor). When a task or object is finished, info is also immutable.

The data is transmitted as JSON, attributes with values None, empty strings and empty lists may be omitted when encoding.

A client may ask for info attributes of any task/object as long as session is open; “keep” flag is not necessary. Attributes are not updated automatically, fetch() or update() has to be called to update attributes.

Error, debugn and user

The task info and object info share error attribute. When non-empty, the task is assumed to have failed. You may specify error of an object to indicate the error more precisely, but it usually indicates a failure of the generating task. Note that empty error is assumedto mean success even if explicitly present.

The debug attribute is intended for any log messages from Rain or the user, especially for internal and external debugging. General node progress is normally not logged here as it is contained in the Rain event log. This is the only attribute that is not immutable once set and may be appended to.

Both task and object info and spec have a user dictionary intended for any JSON-serializable data for any purpose. The keys prefixed with _ are used internally in testing and development.

Task spec and info

Task spec ( ::rain.common.attributes.TaskSpec in Python) has the following attributes:

  • id - Task ID tuple, type rain.common.ID.
  • task_type - The task-type identificator (e.g. “executor/method”).
  • config - Any task-type specific configuration data, JSON-serializable.
  • inputs - A list of input object IDs and labels as ::rain.common.attributes.TaskSpecInput * id - Input object ID. * label - Optional label.
  • outputs - List of output object IDs.
  • resources - Dictionary with resource specification.
  • user - Arbitrary user json-serializable attributes.

Task info (::rain.common.attributes.TaskInfo in Python) has the following attributes:

  • error - Error message. Non-empty error indicates failure.
  • start_time - Time the task was started.
  • duration - Real-time duration in seconds (floating-point number).
  • governor - The ID of the governor that executed this task.
  • debug - Debugging log, usually empty.
  • user - Arbitrary json-serializable objects.

Data object spec and info

Data object spec (::rain.common.attributes.ObjectSpec in Python) has the following attributes:

  • id - Object ID tuple, type rain.common.ID.
  • label - Label (role) of this output at the generating task.
  • content_type - Specified content type name, see content type.
  • data_type - Object data type, "blob" or "dir".
  • user - Arbitrary user json-serializable attributes.

Data object info (::rain.common.attributes.ObjectInfo in Python) has the following attributes:

  • error - Error message. Non-empty error indicates failure.
  • size - Final size in bytes (approximate for directories).
  • content_type - Content type after execution. Note that this must be a sub-type of spec.content_type.
  • debug - Debugging log, usually empty.
  • user - Arbitrary json-serializable objects.

Python API

In the client, the attributes are available as spec and info on rain.client.Task and rain.client.DataObject.

An example of fetching and querying the attributes at the client:

with client.new_session() as s:
    task = tasks.Execute("sleep 1")


    # Download recent attributes

    # Print name of governor where task was executed

In the python executor and remote tasks, the object attributes are available on the input rain.common.DataInstance, the task attributes on the execution context (::rain.executor.context.Context).

An example of remote attribute manipulation:

def attr_demo(ctx):
   # read user defined attributes
   foo = ctx.spec.user["foo"]

   # setup new "user_info" attribute
   ctx.info.user["bar"] = [1, 2, foo]

   # Write some debug log
   ctx.debug("Running at governor", ctx.info.governor)
   return b"Result"

with client.new_session() as session:
    task = attr_demo()
    task.spec.user["foo"] = 42

    # prints: [1, 2, 42]

    # prints the debug log

Waiting for object(s) and task(s)

Waiting for a completion of a single task/object is done using the wait() method directly on awaited task or data object. Multiple tasks/objects can be awaited at once using the wait method with a set of tasks/obejcts on session:

with client.new_session() as session:
    a = blob("Hello world")
    t1 = tasks.Sleep(a, 1.0)
    t2 = tasks.Sleep(a, 2.0)

    t1.wait()  # This blocks until t1 is finished, independently of t2
    t2.output.wait()  # Waits until a data object is not finished

    # The same as two lines above, but since we are doing it at once, it is
    # slightly more efficient
    session.wait([t1, t2.output])


Note that in the case of wait() (in contrast with fetch()), object does not have to be marked as “kept”.


Rain allows to use directories in the similar way to blobs. Rain allows to create directory data objects that can be passed to tasks.Execute(), remote python code, and other places without any differences. There are only two specific features:

  • If a directory dataobject is mapped to a file system it is mapped as directory (not as a file as in the case of blobs).
  • If a directory is viewed as raw bytes (e.g. method get_bytes on data instance), tar file is returned.

A data type of an object (blob/directory) is a part of the task graph and has to be determinated during its construction. To specify it in places where Input and Output classes are used, there are classes rain.client.InputDir and rain.client.OutputDir.

from rain import

from rain.client import Client, tasks, blob, OutputDir, directory

client = Client("localhost", 7210)

with client.new_session() as session:

    # Creates a directory object from client's local file system
    # Recursively collects all files and directories in /path/to/dir
    d = directory("/path/to/dir")

    # Create blob data objects
    data1 = blob(b"12345")
    data2 = blob(b"67890")

    # Task that creates a directory from data objects
    d2 = tasks.MakeDirectory(tasks.make_directory([
         ("myfile.txt", data1),  # Map 'data1' as file 'myfile.txt' into directory
         ("adir", d),  # Map directory 'd' as subdir named 'adir'
         ("a/deep/path/x", data2),  # Map 'data2' as a file 'x'; all subdirs on path is created

    # Task taking a file from a directory data object
    d3 = tasks.SliceDirectory(d2, "a/deep/path/x")

    # Task taking a directory from a directory data object
    # This is indicated by  '/' at the end of the path.
    d3 = tasks.SliceDirectory(d2, "a/deep/")

    # Taking directory as outpout of task.execute
    tasks.Execute("git clone https://github.com/substantic/rain",

Mapping data objects onto filesystem

Rain knows two methods of maping a data objects onto filesystem.

  • write - creates a fresh copy of data objects is created on filesystem that can be freely modified. Changes of the file is not propagated back to data object.
  • link - symlink to the internal storage of governor. The user can only read this data. This method may silently fall back to ‘write’ when governor has no file system representation of the object.

Task rain.client.tasks.Execute() maps files by link method. It can be changed by write argument of Input:

# Let 'obj' contains a data object

# THIS IS INVALID! You cannot modified linked objects
tasks.Execute("echo 'New line' >> myfile", shell=True,
              input_paths=[Input("myfile", dataobj=obj)])

# This is ok. Writable copy of 'obj' is created.
tasks.Execute("echo 'New line' >> myfile", shell=True,
              input_paths=[Input("myfile", dataobj=obj, write=True)])

Data instance has methods write(path) and link(path) that performs the mapping to a given path. They can be used on both in executor and in client. Let us note that in the current version link in the client always falls back to write. Example:

def my_remote_function(ctx, input1):
    input1.write("myfile")  # Writes data into 'myfile' that can be edited
                            # without change of the original object
    input1.link("myfile2")  # Creates a read-only file system representation
                            # of data object


Read-only property in linking method is forced by setting up file rights. Therefore, as far you do not change permissions of files/directories, you are proctected against accidental modifications of data objects. If you change permissions or content of linked data objects, the behavior is undefined. Let us remind that Rain is designed only for execution of trusted codes. Obviously this kind of isolation is not a protection against malicious users.



The client allows to create one or more sessions. Sessions are the environment scopes where application create task graphs and submit them into the server. Sessions follows the following rules:

  • Each client may manage multiple sessions. Tasks and data object in different sessions are independent and they may be executed simultaneously.
  • If a client disconnects, all sessions created by the client are terminated, i.e. running tasks are stopped and data objects are removed. (Persistent sessions are not supported in the current version)
  • If any task in a session fails, the session is labeled as failed, and all running tasks in the session are stopped. Any access to tasks/objects in the session will throw an exception containing error that caused the problem. Destroying the session is the only operation that does not throw the exception. Other sessions are not affected.

Active session

Rain client maintains a global stack of sessions and with block moves a session on the top of the stack and removes it from the stack when the block ends. The session on the top of the stack is called active session. The following example demonstrates when a session is active:

from rain.client import Client, tasks, blob

client = Client("localhost", 7210)

# no session is active
with client.new_session() as a:

    # 'a' is active

    with client.new_session() as b:
        # 'b' is active

    # 'b' is closed and 'a' is active again

# 'a' is closed and no session is active

Tasks and data objects are always created within the scope of active session.


Which session is active is always a local information that only influences tasks and data objects creation. This information is not propagated to the server. Submitted tasks are running regardless the session is active or not.

Closing session

Session may be closed manually by calling method close(), dropping the client connection or leaving with block. To suppress the last named behavior you can use the bind_only() method as follows:

session = client.new_session()

with session.bind_only():
    # 'session' is active

# 'session' is not active here; however it is NOT closed

Once a session is closed, it is pernamently removed from the session stack and cannot be reused again.


The server holds tasks’ and objects’ metadata (e.g. performance information) as long as a session is alive. If you use a long living client with many sessions, sessions should be closed as soon as they are not needed.

Multiple submits

The task graph does not have to be submmited at once; multiple submmits may occur during the lifetime of a session. Data objects from previous submits may be used while constructing a new new submit, the only condition is that they have to be marked as “kept” explicitly.

with client.new_session() as session:
   a = blob("Hello world")
   t1 = tasks.Sleep(a, 1.0)

   session.submit()  # First submit

   t2 = tasks.Sleep(t1.output, 1.0)

   session.submit()  # Second submit
   session.wait_all()  # Wait until everything is finished

   t3 = tasks.Sleep(t1.output, 1.0)

   session.submit()  # Third submit
   session.wait_all()  # Wait again until everything is finished

Let us remind that method wait_all() waits until all currently running task are finished, regardless in which submit they arrived to the server.